Dealing with Grief can be Challenging...

"At Eternal Medallion, we help you keep your loved one’s memory alive, offering comfort and connection as you navigate your grief journey."

-Suhayl, CEO of Eternal Medallion-

Honor them in...

3 Easy steps 🕊


What's included in my order?

Every Order Comes With :

  • 2 identical medallions, one to stick on the tombstone & one that you keep to yourself
  • 2 pieces of double sided tape in a square format
  • a beautiful protective case to keep your medallion safe wherever you take it

How Many Photos/Videos Can I Upload ?

  • You can upload as many pictures and videos as you want, share all your memories and honor the soul of your loved ones.

Can People Share A Tribute On The Profile That I Created ?

  • Yes, we have recently added this feature, other people can write a tribute message on the profile, which you will be able to accept/deny it being published

For How Long Will I Have Access To The Profile That I Created ?

  • Forever, each profile created will be hosted forever, from where comes the name "Eternal Medallion"

Can Someone Else Edit The Profile Without My Permission ?

  • No, only the owner of the medallion can make modifications.